An intriguing post by Terence Kawaja (@tkawaja), LUMA Partners (@LUMA_partners) and AdExchanger (@adexchanger):
Many feared that GDPR and escalating privacy concerns would lead to a push-back in data-driven marketing and related M&A. The reality, however, is that strategics were simply holding their breath as they waited for more certainty on the impact from GDPR and other major deals in the Many feared that GDPR and escalating privacy concerns would lead to a push-back in data-driven marketing and related M&A. The reality, however, is that strategics were simply holding their breath as they waited for more certainty on the impact from GDPR and other major deals in the space.
Now that these concerns have been alleviated, buyers are back in full force, acquiring technology that positions them better for today and for the future.
Rather than a continued slowdown in M&A for data-driven companies, there has been a massive uptick. Just in the last three months, we’ve seen seven significant transactions totaling $9 billion in value for companies focused on data-driven marketing, leading us to dub this the “Summer of Data.” CLICK HERE to continue reading.